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75 Works of Algernon Charles Swinburne

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Quia Nominor Leo

Story type: Poetry

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I What part is left thee, lion? Ravenous beast, Which hadst the world for pasture, and for scope And compass of thine homicidal hope The kingdom of the spirit of man, the feast Of souls subdued from west to sunless east, From blackening north to bloodred south aslope, All servile; earth for footcloth of the […]

Sir William Gomm

Story type: Poetry

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I At threescore years and five aroused anew To rule in India, forth a soldier went On whose bright-fronted youth fierce war had spent Its iron stress of storm, till glory grew Full as the red sun waned on Waterloo. Landing, he met the word from England sent Which bade him yield up rule: and […]

Not for less love, all glorious France, to thee, “Sweet enemy” called in days long since at end, Now found and hailed of England sweeter friend, Bright sister of our freedom now, being free; Not for less love or faith in friendship we Whose love burnt ever toward thee reprehend The vile vain greed whose […]

Crowned, girdled, garbed and shod with light and fire, Son first-born of the morning, sovereign star! Soul nearest ours of all, that wert most far, Most far off in the abysm of time, thy lyre Hung highest above the dawn-enkindled quire Where all ye sang together, all that are, And all the starry songs behind […]

An hour ere sudden sunset fired the west, Arose two stars upon the pale deep east. The hall of heaven was clear for night’s high feast, Yet was not yet day’s fiery heart at rest. Love leapt up from his mother’s burning breast To see those warm twin lights, as day decreased, Wax wider, till […]

Ben Jonson

Story type: Poetry

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Broad-based, broad-fronted, bounteous, multiform, With many a valley impleached with ivy and vine, Wherein the springs of all the streams run wine, And many a crag full-faced against the storm, The mountain where thy Muse’s feet made warm Those lawns that revelled with her dance divine Shines yet with fire as it was wont to […]

Not if men’s tongues and angels’ all in one Spake, might the word be said that might speak Thee. Streams, winds, woods, flowers, fields, mountains, yea, the sea, What power is in them all to praise the sun? His praise is this,–he can be praised of none. Man, woman, child, praise God for him; but […]

Philip Massinger

Story type: Poetry

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Clouds here and there arisen an hour past noon Chequered our English heaven with lengthening bars And shadow and sound of wheel-winged thunder-cars Assembling strength to put forth tempest soon, When the clear still warm concord of thy tune Rose under skies unscared by reddening Mars Yet, like a sound of silver speech of stars, […]

John Webster

Story type: Poetry

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Thunder: the flesh quails, and the soul bows down. Night: east, west, south, and northward, very night. Star upon struggling star strives into sight, Star after shuddering star the deep storms drown. The very throne of night, her very crown, A man lays hand on, and usurps her right. Song from the highest of heaven’s […]

John Ford

Story type: Poetry

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Hew hard the marble from the mountain’s heart Where hardest night holds fast in iron gloom Gems brighter than an April dawn in bloom, That his Memnonian likeness thence may start Revealed, whose hand with high funereal art Carved night, and chiselled shadow: be the tomb That speaks him famous graven with signs of doom […]

Thomas Middleton

Story type: Poetry

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A wild moon riding high from cloud to cloud, That sees and sees not, glimmering far beneath, Hell’s children revel along the shuddering heath With dirge-like mirth and raiment like a shroud: A worse fair face than witchcraft’s, passion-proud, With brows blood-flecked behind their bridal wreath And lips that bade the assassin’s sword find sheath […]

Thomas Decker

Story type: Poetry

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Out of the depths of darkling life where sin Laughs piteously that sorrow should not know Her own ill name, nor woe be counted woe; Where hate and craft and lust make drearier din Than sounds through dreams that grief holds revel in; What charm of joy-bells ringing, streams that flow, Winds that blow healing […]

Thomas Heywood

Story type: Poetry

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Tom, if they loved thee best who called thee Tom, What else may all men call thee, seeing thus bright Even yet the laughing and the weeping light That still thy kind old eyes are kindled from? Small care was thine to assail and overcome Time and his child Oblivion: yet of right Thy name […]

George Chapman

Story type: Poetry

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High priest of Homer, not elect in vain, Deep trumpets blow before thee, shawms behind Mix music with the rolling wheels that wind Slow through the labouring triumph of thy train: Fierce history, molten in thy forging brain, Takes form and fire and fashion from thy mind, Tormented and transmuted out of kind: But howsoe’er […]

The Three Damsels

Story type: Poetry

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(SUGGESTED BY A DRAWING OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI’S.) Three damsels in the queen’s chamber, The queen’s mouth was most fair; She spake a word of God’s mother As the combs went in her hair. Mary that is of might, Bring us to thy Son’s sight. They held the gold combs out from her A span’s […]