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4 Works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

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The Shot

Story type: Literature

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Translated by T. Keane. CHAPTER I. We were stationed in the little town of N–. The life of an officer in the army is well known. In the morning, drill and the riding-school; dinner with the Colonel or at a Jewish restaurant; in the evening, punch and cards. In N— there was not one open […]

Mon Portrait

Story type: Poetry

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Written by the poet at the age of 15. Vous me demandez mon portrait, Mais peint d’apres nature: Mon cher, il sera bientot fait, Quoique en miniature. Je suis un jeune polisson Encore dans les classes; Point sot, je le dis sans facon, Et sans fades grimaces. Oui! il ne fut babillard Ni docteur de […]

The Queen Of Spades

Story type: Literature

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AT the house of Naroumov, a cavalry officer, the long winter night had been passed in gambling. At five in the morning breakfast was served to the weary players. The winners ate with relish; the losers, on the contrary, pushed back their plates and sat brooding gloomily. Under the influence of the good wine, however, […]

A TALE OF THE TAURIDE. Mute sat Giray, with downcast eye, As though some spell in sorrow bound him, His slavish courtiers thronging nigh, In sad expectance stood around him. The lips of all had silence sealed, Whilst, bent on him, each look observant, Saw grief’s deep trace and passion fervent Upon his gloomy brow […]