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3 Works of Alexander Pope

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No. 408Wednesday, June 18, 1712. Pope. ‘Decet affectus animi neque se nimium erigere, nec subjacere serviliter.’ Tull. de Finibus. Mr. SPECTATOR, I have always been a very great Lover of your Speculations, as well in Regard to the Subject, as to your Manner of Treating it. Human Nature I always thought the most useful Object […]

No. 378Wednesday, May 14, 1712. Pope. ‘Aggredere, O magnos, aderit jam tempus, honores.’ Virg. I will make no Apology for entertaining the Reader with the following Poem, which is written by a great Genius, a Friend of mine, in the Country, who is not ashamd to employ his Wit in the Praise of his Maker. […]

An Essay on Criticism

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[WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 1709] PART I. ‘Tis hard to say if greater want of skill Appear in writing or in judging ill, But of the two less dangerous is the offense To tire our patience than mislead our sense Some few in that but numbers err in this, Ten censure wrong for one who […]