238 Works of Aesop
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The North Wind and the Sun disputed which was the more powerful, and agreed that he should be declared the victor who could first strip a wayfaring man of his clothes. The North Wind first tried his power, and blew with all his might; but the keener became his blasts, the closer the Traveler wrapped […]
A Bull was striving with all his might to squeeze himself through a narrow passage which led to his stall. A young Calf came up and offered to go before and show him the way by which he could manage to pass. “Save yourself the trouble,” said the Bull; “I knew that way long before […]
A Snake, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a severe bite on the Cottager’s infant son, of which he died, to the great grief of his parents. The father resolved to kill the Snake, and the next day, on its coming out of its hole for food, took up […]
A Man who had traveled in foreign lands boasted very much, on returning to his own country, of the many wonderful and heroic things he had done in the different places he had visited. Among other things, he said that when he was at Rhodes he had leaped to such a distance that no man […]
A Man once kept a Goat and an Ass. The Goat, envying the Ass on account of his greater abundance of food, said: “How shamefully you are treated; at one time grinding in the mill, and at another carrying heavy burdens;” and he further advised him that he should pretend to be epileptic, and fall […]
An Ass and a Cock were together, when a Lion, desperate from hunger, approached. He was about to spring upon the Ass, when the Cock (to the sound of whose voice the Lion, it is said, has a singular aversion) crowed loudly, and the Lion fled away. The Ass, observing his trepidation at the mere […]
A Stag, grown old and mischievous, was, according to custom, stamping with his foot, making offers with his head, and bellowing so terribly that the whole herd quaked for fear of him; when one of the little Fawns, coming up, addressed him thus: “Pray, what is the reason that you, who are so formidable at […]
A Farmer placed his nets on his newly sown plough lands, and caught a quantity of Cranes, which came to pick up his seed. With them he trapped a Stork also. The Stork, having his leg fractured by the net, earnestly besought the Farmer to spare his life. “Pray, save me, Master,” he said, “and […]
A Fowler caught a Partridge, and was about to kill him. The Partridge earnestly besought him to spare his life, saying: “Pray, master, permit me to live, and I will entice many Partridges to you in recompense for your mercy to me.” The Fowler replied: “I shall now with the less scruple take your life, […]
An Ass, being driven along the high road, suddenly started off, and bolted to the brink of a deep precipice. When he was in the act of throwing himself over, his owner, seizing him by the tail, endeavored to pull him back. The Ass persisting in his effort, the man let him go, and said: […]
The Kites of old time had, equally with the Swans, the privilege of song. But having heard the neigh of the horse, they were so enchanted with the sound, that they tried to imitate it; and, in trying to neigh, they forgot how to sing. The desire for imaginary benefits often involves the loss of […]
A Hound having started a Hare from his form, after a long run, gave up the chase. A Goat-herd, seeing him stop, mocked him, saying: “The little one is the best runner of the two.” The hound replied; “You do not see the difference between us; I was only running for a dinner, but he […]
A Dog lay in a manger, and by his growling and snapping prevented the oxen from eating the hay which had been placed for them. “What a selfish Dog!” said one of them to his companions; “he cannot eat the hay himself, and yet refuses to allow those to eat who can.” We should not […]
As the Cat and the Fox were talking politics together, Reynard said: “Let things turn out ever so bad, he did not care, for he had a thousand tricks for them yet, before they should hurt him.” “But pray,” says he, “Mrs. Puss, suppose there should be an invasion, what course do you design to […]
A Crow, in great want of food, saw a Serpent asleep in a sunny nook, and flying down, greedily seized him. The Serpent, turning about, bit the Crow with a mortal wound. The Crow in the agony of death exclaimed: “O unhappy me! who have found in that which I deemed a most happy windfall […]
A Gentleman, having prepared a great feast, invited a Friend to supper; and the Gentleman’s Dog, meeting the Friend’s Dog, “Come,” said he, “my good fellow, and sup with us to-night.” The Dog was delighted with the invitation, and as he stood by and saw the preparations for the feast, said to himself: “Capital fare […]
An Eagle sat on a lofty rock, watching the movements of a Hare, whom he sought to make his prey. An archer, who saw him from a place of concealment, took an accurate aim, and wounded him mortally. The Eagle gave one look at the arrow that had entered his heart, and saw in that […]
The Frogs, grieved at having no established Ruler, sent ambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. He, perceiving their simplicity, cast down a huge log into the lake. The Frogs, terrified at the splash occasioned by its fall, hid themselves in the depth of the pool. But no sooner did they see that the huge […]
A Dog had been taught to take his master’s dinner to him every day. As he smelled the good things in the basket, he was sorely tempted to taste them, but he resisted the temptation and continued day after day to carry the basket faithfully. One day all the dogs in the neighborhood followed him […]
A Wizard, sitting in the market-place, told the fortunes of the passers-by. A person ran up in great haste, and announced to him that the doors of his house had been broken open, and that all his goods were being stolen. He sighed heavily, and hastened away as fast as he could run. A neighbor […]