Song II [My Love Is Gone To Sea]
My love is gone to sea,
Whilst I his absence mourn,
No joy shall smile on me
Until my love return.
He ask’d me for his bride,
And many vows he swore;
I blush’d—-and soon comply’d,
My heart was his before.
One little month was past,
And who so blest as we!
The summons came at last,
And Jemmy must to sea.
I saw his ship so gay
Swift fly the wave-worn shore;
I wip’d my tears away-—
And saw his ship no more.
When clouds shut in the sky
And storms around me bowl;
When livid lightnings fly,
And threat’ning thunders roll;
All hopes of rest are lost,
No slumbers visit me;
My anxious thoughts are tost
With Jemmy on the sea.