Psalm 65:1 [The Praise Of Sion Waits For Thee]
Psalm 65:1. 1-5. First Part. L. M.
Public prayer and praise.
The praise of Sion waits for thee,
My God; and praise becomes thy house;
There shall thy saints thy glory see,
And there perform their public vows.
O thou, whose mercy bends the skies
To save when humble sinners pray,
All lands to thee shall lift their eyes
And islands of the northern sea.
Against my will my sins prevail,
But grace shall purge away their stain;
The blood of Christ will never fail
To wash my garments white again.
Blest is the man whom thou shalt choose,
And give him kind access to thee,
Give him a place within thy house,
To taste thy love divinely free.
Let Babel fear when Sion prays;
Babel, prepare for long distress
When Sion’s God himself arrays
In terror, and in righteousness.
With dreadful glory God fulfils
What his afflicted saints request;
And with almighty wrath reveals
His love to give his churches rest.
Then shall the flocking nations run
To Sion’s hill, and own their Lord;
The rising and the setting sun
Shall see their Saviour’s name ador’d.