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A Chippewa Legend
by [?]

But Sheemah, left alone within the lodge,
Waited and waited, with a shrinking heart,
Thinking each rustle was his sister’s step,
Till hope grew less and less, and then went out,
And every sound was changed from hope to fear.
Few sounds there were:–the dropping of a nut,
The squirrel’s chirrup, and the jay’s harsh scream,
Autumn’s sad remnants of blithe Summer’s cheer,
Heard at long intervals, seemed but to make 80
The dreadful void of silence silenter.
Soon what small store his sister left was gone,
And, through the Autumn, he made shift to live
On roots and berries, gathered in much fear
Of wolves, whose ghastly howl he heard ofttimes,
Hollow and hungry, at the dead of night.
But Winter came at last, and, when the snow,
Thick-heaped for gleaming leagues o’er hill and plain,
Spread its unbroken silence over all,
Made bold by hunger, he was fain to glean 90
(More sick at heart than Ruth, and all alone)
After the harvest of the merciless wolf,
Grim Boaz, who, sharp-ribbed and gaunt, yet feared
A thing more wild and starving than himself;
Till, by degrees, the wolf and he grew friends,
And shared together all the winter through.

Late in the Spring, when all the ice was gone,
The elder brother, fishing in the lake,
Upon whose edge his father’s wigwam stood,
Heard a low moaning noise upon the shore: 100
Half like a child it seemed, half like a wolf,
And straightway there was something in his heart
That said, ‘It is thy brother Sheemah’s voice.’
So, paddling swiftly to the bank, he saw,
Within a little thicket close at hand,
A child that seemed fast clinging to a wolf,
From the neck downward, gray with shaggy hair,
That still crept on and upward as he looked.
The face was turned away, but well he knew
That it was Sheemah’s, even his brother’s face. 110
Then with his trembling hands he hid his eyes,
And bowed his head, so that he might not see
The first look of his brother’s eyes, and cried,
‘O Sheemah! O my brother, speak to me!
Dost thou not know me, that I am thy brother?
Come to me, little Sheemah, thou shall dwell
With me henceforth, and know no care or want!’
Sheemah was silent for a space, as if
‘T were hard to summon up a human voice,
And, when he spake, the voice was as a wolf’s: 120
‘I know thee not, nor art thou what thou say’st;
I have none other brethren than the wolves,
And, till thy heart be changed from what it is,
Thou art not worthy to be called their kin.’
Then groaned the other, with a choking tongue,
‘Alas! my heart is changed right bitterly;
‘Tis shrunk and parched within me even now!’
And, looking upward fearfully, he saw
Only a wolf that shrank away, and ran,
Ugly and fierce, to hide among the woods. 130