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Uncle Ethan Ripley
by [?]

"Dodd’s Family Bitters," said the man, waking out of his abstraction with a start and resuming his working manner. "The best bitter in the market. " He alluded to it in the singular. "Like to look at it? No trouble to show goods, as the fellah says," he went on hastily, seeing Uncle Ethan’s hesitation.

He produced a large bottle of triangular shape, like a bottle for pickled onions. It had a red seal on top and a strenuous caution in red letters on the neck, "None genuine unless ‘Dodd’s Family Bittem’ is blown in the bottom. "

"Here’s what it cures," pursued the agent, pointing at the side, where; in an inverted pyramid, the names of several hundred diseases were arranged, running from "gout" to "pulmonary complaints," etc.

"I gol! She cuts a wide swath, don’t she?" exclaimed Uncle Ethan, profoundly impressed with the list.

"They ain’t no better bitter in the world," said the agent with a conclusive inflection.

"What’s its speshy-ality? Most of ’em have some speshy-ality. "

"Well, summer complaints–an’, an’, spring an’ fall troubles–tones ye up, sort of. "

Uncle Ethan’s forgotten pan was empty of his gathered bugs. He was deeply interested in this man. There was something he liked about him.

"What does it sell fur?" he asked after a pause.

"Same price as them cheap medicines–dollar a bottle–big bottles, too. Want one?"

"Wal, mother ain’t to home, an’ I don’t know as she’d like this kind. We ain’t been sick fr years. Still, they’s no tellln’," he added, seeing the answer to his objection in the agent’s eyes. "Times is purty close too, with us, y’ see;; we’ve just built that stable–"

‘Say I’ll tell yeh what I’ll do," said the stranger, waking up and speaking in a warnily generous tone. "I’ll give you ten bottles of the bitter if you’ll let me paint a sign on that barn. It won’t hurt the barn a bit, and if you want ‘o you can paint it Out a year from date. Come, what d’ye say?"

"I guess I hadn’t better. "

The agent thought that Uncle Ethan was after more pay, but in reality he was thinking of what his little old wife would say.

"It simply puts a family bitter in your home that may save you fifty dollars this comin’ fall. You can’t tell. "

Just what the man said after that Uncle Ethan didn’t follow. His voice had a confidential purring sound as he stretched across the wagon seat and talked on, eyes half shut. He straightened up at last and concluded in the tone of one who has carried his point:

"So! If you didn’t want to use the whole twenty five bottles y’rself, why! sell it to your neighbors. You can get twenty dollars out of it easy, and still have five bottles of the best family bitter that ever went into a bottle. "

It was the thought of this opportunity to get a buffalo skin coat that consoled Uncle Ethan as he saw the hideous black letters appearing under the agent’s lazy brush.

It was the hot side of the barn, and painting was no light work. The agent was forced to mop his forehead with his sleeve.

"Say, hain’t got a cookie or anything, and a cup o’ milk, handy?" he said at the end of the first enormous word, which ran the whole length of the barn.

Uncle Ethan got him the milk and oookie, which he ate with an exaggeratedly dainty action of his fingers, seated meanwhile on the staging which Uncle Ripley had helped him to build. This lunch infused new energy into him, and in a short time "DODD’S FAMILY BITTERS, Best in the Market," disfigured the sweet-smelling pine boards.