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Pussy-cat Mew
by [?]

So Pussy-cat Mew did as she had been told,
And walked through the palace with manner so bold
She soon reached the room where the Queen sat in state,
Surrounded by lords and by ladies so great.

And there in the corner our Pussy sat down,
And gazed at the scepter and blinked at the crown,
And eyed the Queen’s dress, all purple and gold;
Which was surely a beautiful sight to behold.

But all of a sudden she started, for there
Was a little gray mouse, right under the chair
Where her Majesty sat, and Pussy well knew
She ‘d scream with alarm if the mouse met her view.

So up toward the chair our Pussy-cat stole,
But the mouse saw her coming and ran for its hole;
But Pussy ran after, and during the race
A wonderful, terrible panic took place!

The ladies all jumped on their chairs in alarm,
The lords drew their swords to protect them from harm,
And the Queen gave a scream and fainted away–
A very undignified act, I must say.

And some one cried “Burglars!” and some one cried “Treason!”
And some one cried “Murder!” but none knew the reason;
And some one cried “Fire! they are burning the house!”
And some one cried “Silence! it ‘s only a mouse!”

But Pussy-cat Mew was so awfully scared
By the shouting and screaming, no longer she dared
To stay in the room; so without more delay
She rushed from the palace and scampered away!

So bristling her fur, and with heart beating fast,
She came to the road leading homeward at last.
“What business,” she thought, “has a poor country cat
To visit a city of madmen like that?

“Straight homeward I ‘ll go, where I am well fed,
Where mistress is kind, and soft is my bed;
Let other cats travel, if they wish to roam,
But as for myself, I shall now stay at home.”

And now over hills and valleys she ran,
And journeyed as fast as a Pussy-cat can;
Till just as the dawn of the day did begin
She, safely at home, stole quietly in.

And there was the fire, with the pot boiling on it,
And there was the maid, in the blue checkered bonnet
And there was the corner where Pussy oft basked,
And there was the mistress, who eagerly asked:

“Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat, where have you been?”
“I ‘ve been to London, to visit the Queen.”
“Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat, what did you there?”
“I frightened a little mouse under her chair!”