Holiday Time
“It does, captain.”
“Then that would account for the boat having gone.”
“That and Simpson’s special knot,” I said, keeping calm for the sake of the women and children.
Archie jumped up with a shout. The boat was about twenty yards from the shore, going very slowly upstream.
“It’s very bad to bathe just after a heavy meal,” I reminded him.
“I’m not sure that I’m going to, but I’m quite sure that one of us will have to.”
“Walk up the river with it,” said Myra, “while Dahlia and I pack, and the one who’s first digested goes in.”
We walked up. I felt that in my own case the process of assimilation would be a lengthy one.
We came back from a “Men Only” sail to find Myra bubbling over with excitement.
“I’ve got some news for you,” she said, “but I’m not going to tell you till dinner. Be quick and change.”
“Bother, she’s going to get married,” I murmured.
Myra gurgled and drove us off.
“Put on all your medals and orders, Thomas,” she called up the stairs; “and, Archie, it’s a champagne night.”
“I believe, old fellow,” said Simpson, “she’s married already.”
Half an hour later we were all ready for the news.
“Just a moment, Myra,” said Archie. “I’d better warn you that we’re expecting a good deal, and that if you don’t live up to the excitement you’ve created, you’ll be stood in the corner for the rest of dinner.”
“She’s quite safe,” said Dahlia.
“Of course I am. Well, now I’m going to begin. This morning, about eleven, I went and had a bathe, and I met another girl in the sea.”
“Horribly crowded the sea is getting nowadays,” commented Archie.
“And she began to talk about what a jolly day it was and so on, and I gave her my card–I mean I said, ‘I’m Myra Mannering.’ And she said, ‘I’m sure you’re keen on cricket.'”
“I like the way girls talk in the sea,” said Archie. “So direct.”
“What is there about our Myra,” I asked, “that stamps her as a cricketer, even when she’s only got her head above water?”
“She’d seen me on land, silly. Well, we went on talking, and at last she said, ‘Will you play us at mixed cricket on Saturday?’ And a big wave came along and went inside me just as I was saying yes.”
“Hooray! Myra, your health.”
“We’re only six, though,” added Archie. “Didn’t you swim up against anybody else who looked like a cricketer and might play for us?”
“But we can easily pick up five people by Saturday,” said Myra confidently. “And oh, I do hope we’re in form; we haven’t played for years.”
. . . . . . .
We lost the toss, and Myra led her team out on to the field. The last five places in the eleven had been filled with care: a preparatory school-boy and his little sister (found by Dahlia on the beach), Miss Debenham (found by Simpson on the road with a punctured bicycle), Mrs Oakley (found by Archie at the station and re-discovered by Myra in the Channel), and Sarah, a jolly girl of sixteen (found by me and Thomas in the tobacconist’s, where she was buying The Sportsman).
“Where would you all like to field?” asked the captain.
“Let’s stand round in groups, just at the start, and then see where we’re wanted. Who’s going to bowl?”
“Me and Samuel. I wonder if I dare bowl over-hand.”
“I’m going to,” said Simpson.
“You can’t, not with your left hand.”
“Why not? Hirst does.”
“Then I shan’t field point,” said Thomas with decision.
However, as it happened, it was short leg who received the first two balls, beautiful swerving wides, while the next two were well caught and returned by third man. Simpson’s range being thus established, he made a determined attack on the over proper with lobs, and managed to wipe off half of it. Encouraged by this, he returned with such success to overhand that the very next ball got into the analysis, the batsman reaching out and hitting it over the hedge for six. Two more range-finders followed before Simpson scored another dot with a sneak; and then, at what should have been the last ball, a tragedy occurred.