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Captain Mission
by [?]

These Men, who had been stripp’d to the Skin, begg’d Leave to make Reprisals, but the Captain would not suffer them, though he told the Master of the Prize, as he protected him and his Men, he thought it reasonable these French should be cloathed: Upon this the Master contributed of his own, and every Man bringing up his Chest, thought themselves very well off in sharing with them one half.

Though Misson’s Ship pass’d for a French Man of War, yet his Generosity in letting the Prize go, gave the English Grounds to suspect the Truth, neither the Ship nor Cargoe being of Use to such as were upon the grand Account.

When they had lost all Hopes of the St. Joseph, they coasted along the North-Side of Cuba, and the Victoire growing now foul, they ran into a Landlock’d Bay on the East North-East Point, where they hove her down by Boats and Guns, though they could not pretend to heave her Keel out; however, they scraped and tallowed as far as they could go; they, for this Reason, many of them repented they had let the last Prize go, by which they might have careened.

When they had righted the Ship, and put every Thing on Board, they consulted upon the Course they should steer. Upon this the Council divided. The Captain and Caraccioli were for stretching over to the African, and the others for the New-England Coast, alledging, that the Ship had a foul Bottom, and was not fit for the Voyage; and that if they met with contrary Winds, and bad Weather, their Stock of Provision might fall short; and that as they were not far from the English Settlement of Carolina, they might either on that or the Coast of Virginia, Maryland, Pensylvania, New-York, or New-England, intercept ships which traded to the Islands with Provisions, and by that Means provide themselves with Bread, Flower, and other Necessaries. An Account of the Provisions were taken, and finding they had Provisions for four Months. Captain Misson called all Hands upon Deck, and told them, as the Council differed in the Course they should steer, he thought it reasonable to have it put to the Vote of the whole Company. That for his Part, he was for going to the Coast of Guiney, where they might reasonably expect to meet with valuable Prizes; but should they fail in their Expectation one Way, they would be sure of having it answered another; for they could then throw themselves in that of the East- India Ships, and he need not tell them, that the outward bound dreined Europe of what Money they drew from America. He then gave the Sentiments of those who were against him, and their Reasons, and begg’d that every one would give his Opinion and Vote according as he thought most conducive to the Good of all. That he should be far from taking it ill if they should reject what he had proposed, since he had no private Views to serve. The Majority of Votes fell on the Captain’s Side, and they accordingly shaped their Course for the Coast of Guiney, in which Voyage nothing remarkable happened. On their Arrival on the Gold-Coast, they fell in with the Nieuwstadt of Amsterdam, a Ship of 18 Guns, commanded by Capt. Blacs, who made a running Fight of five Glasses: This Ship they kept with them, putting on Board 40 Hands, and bringing all the Prisoners on Board the Victoire, they were Forty three in Number, they left Amsterdam with Fifty six, seven were killed in the Engagement, and they had lost six by Sickness and Accidents, one falling overboard, and one being taken by a Shark going overboard in a Calm.

The Nieuwstadt had some Gold-Dust on Board, to the Value of about 2000 l. Sterling, and a few Slaves to the Number of Seventeen, for she had but begun to Trade; the Slaves were a strengthening of their Hands, for the Captain order’d them to be cloathed out of Dutch Mariners Chests, and told his Men, ‘That the Trading for those of our own Species, cou’d never be agreeable to the Eyes of divine Justice: That no Man had Power or the Liberty of another; and while those who profess’d a more enlightened Knowledge of the Deity, sold Men like Beasts; they prov’d that their Religion was no more than Grimace, and that they differ’d from the Barbarians in Name only, since their Practice was in nothing more humane: For his Part, and he hop’d, he spoke the Sentiments of all his brave Companions, he had not exempted his Neck from the galling Yoak of Slavery, and asserted his own Liberty, to enslave others. That however, these Men were distinguish’d from the Europeans by their Colour, Customs, or religious Rites, they were the Work of the same omnipotent Being, and endued with equal Reason: Wherefore, he desired they might be treated like Freemen (for he wou’d banish even the Name of Slavery from among them)’ and divided into Messes among them, to the End they might the sooner learn their Language, be sensible of the Obligation they had to them, and more capable and zealous to defend that Liberty they owed to their Justice and Humanity.