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“‘Well, you’ll have to.’

“‘I won’t. Whah did he fall?’

“Someone sketched briefly the approximate locality of Robert Fairfax’s resting place, and on the final word Cahoots tore away.

“The merciless shot of the Federals was still raking the field. But amid it all an old prairie schooner, gotten from God knows where, started out from the dismantled camp across the field. ‘Some fool going to his death,’ said one of the gray soldiers.

“A ragged, tattered remnant of the wagon came back. The horses were bleeding and staggering in their steps. The very harness was cut by the balls that had grazed it. But with a light in his eyes and the look of a hero, Cahoots leaped from the tattered vehicle and began dragging out the body of his master.

“He had found him far to the front in an abandoned position and brought him back over the field of the dead.

“‘How did you do it?’ They asked him.

“‘I jes’ had to do it,’ he said. ‘I promised not to go home widout him, and I didn’t keer ef I did git killed. I wanted to die ef I couldn’t find Mas’ Bob’s body.’

“He carried the body home, and mourned at the burial, and a year later came back to the regiment with the son who had come after Robert, and was now just of fighting age. He went all through this campaign, and when the war was over, the two struck away into the mountains. They came back after a while, neither one having taken the oath of allegiance, and if there were any rebels Cahoots was as great a one to the day of his death as his master. That tomb-stone, you see it looks old, was placed there at the old master’s request when his dead son came home from Malvern Hill, for he said when Cahoots went to the other side they must not be separated; that accounts for its look of age, but it was not until last year that we laid Cahoots–Cahoots still though an old man–beside his master. And many a man that had owned his people, and many another that had fought to continue that ownership, dropped a tear on his grave.”