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382 Works of Robert Burns

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Tune–“The Muckin o’ Geordie’s Byre.” Adown winding Nith I did wander,To mark the sweet flowers as they spring;Adown winding Nith I did wander,Of Phillis to muse and to sing. Chorus.–Awa’ wi’ your belles and your beauties,They never wi’ her can compare,Whaever has met wi’ my Phillis,Has met wi’ the queen o’ the fair. The daisy […]

Chorus.–O Whistle, an’ I’ll come to ye, my lad,O whistle, an’ I’ll come to ye, my lad,Tho’ father an’ mother an’ a’ should gae mad,O whistle, an’ I’ll come to ye, my lad. But warily tent when ye come to court me,And come nae unless the back-yett be a-jee;Syne up the back-stile, and let naebody […]

If you rattle along like your Mistress’ tongue,Your speed will outrival the dart;But a fly for your load, you’ll break down on the road,If your stuff be as rotten’s her heart.

Here lies, now a prey to insulting neglect,What once was a butterfly, gay in life’s beam:Want only of wisdom denied her respect,Want only of goodness denied her esteem.

Up wi’ the carls o’ Dysart,And the lads o’ Buckhaven,And the kimmers o’ Largo,And the lasses o’ Leven. Chorus.–Hey, ca’ thro’, ca’ thro’,For we hae muckle ado.Hey, ca’ thro’, ca’ thro’,For we hae muckle ado; We hae tales to tell,An’ we hae sangs to sing;We hae pennies tae spend,An’ we hae pints to bring.Hey, ca’ […]

Capt. Wm. Roddirk, of Corbiston. Light lay the earth on Billy’s breast,His chicken heart so tender;But build a castle on his head,His scull will prop it under.

Sic a reptile was Wat, sic a miscreant slave,That the worms ev’n damn’d him when laid in his grave;“In his flesh there’s a famine,” a starved reptile cries,“And his heart is rank poison!” another replies.

Here lies John Bushby–honest man,Cheat him, Devil–if you can!

“Stop thief!” dame Nature call’d to Death,As Willy drew his latest breath;How shall I make a fool again?My choicest model thou hast ta’en.

When Lascelles thought fit from this world to depart,Some friends warmly thought of embalming his heart;A bystander whispers–“Pray don’t make so much o’t,The subject is poison, no reptile will touch it.”

To Dr. Maxwell

Story type: Poetry

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On Miss Jessy Staig’s recovery. Maxwell, if merit here you crave,That merit I deny;You save fair Jessie from the grave!–An Angel could not die!

Chorus.–Ca’the yowes to the knowes,Ca’ them where the heather grows,Ca’ them where the burnie rowes,My bonie Dearie. Hark the mavis’ e’ening sang,Sounding Clouden’s woods amang;Then a-faulding let us gang,My bonie Dearie.Ca’ the yowes, etc. We’ll gae down by Clouden side,Thro’ the hazels, spreading wide,O’er the waves that sweetly glide,To the moon sae clearly.Ca’ the yowes, […]

It was a’ for our rightfu’ KingWe left fair Scotland’s strand;It was a’ for our rightfu’ KingWe e’er saw Irish land, my dear,We e’er saw Irish land. Now a’ is done that men can do,And a’ is done in vain;My Love and Native Land fareweel,For I maun cross the main, my dear,For I maun cross […]

From the white-blossom’d sloe my dear Chloris requestedA sprig, her fair breast to adorn:No, by Heavens! I exclaim’d, let me perish, if everI plant in that bosom a thorn!

On her Principles of Liberty and Equality. How, Liberty! girl, can it be by thee nam’d?Equality too! hussey, art not asham’d?Free and Equal indeed, while mankind thou enchainest,And over their hearts a proud Despot so reignest.

Belonging to the same Laird. We grant they’re thine, those beauties all,So lovely in our eye;Keep them, thou eunuch, Cardoness,For others to enjoy!

[Epigram On a Country Laird, not quite so wise as Solomon.] Bless Jesus Christ, O Cardonessp,With grateful, lifted eyes,Who taught that not the soul alone,But body too shall rise;For had He said “the soul aloneFrom death I will deliver,”Alas, alas! O Cardoness,Then hadst thou lain for ever.

Kemble, thou cur’st my unbeliefFor Moses and his rod;At Yarico’s sweet nor of griefThe rock with tears had flow’d.

Here cursing, swearing Burton lies,A buck, a beau, or “Dem my eyes!”Who in his life did little good,And his last words were “Dem my blood!”

On A Suicide

Story type: Poetry

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Earth’d up, here lies an imp o’ hell,Planted by Satan’s dibble;Poor silly wretch, he’s damned himsel’,To save the Lord the trouble.