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132 Works of Richard Steele

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No. 330Wednesday, March 19, 1712. Steele. Maxima debetur pueris reverentia. Juv. The following Letters, written by two very considerate Correspondents, both under twenty Years of Age, are very good Arguments of the Necessity of taking into Consideration the many Incidents which affect the Education of Youth. SIR, I have long expected, that in the Course […]

No. 332Friday, March 21, 1712. Steele. Minus aptus acutis Naribus horum hominum. Hor. Dear Short-Face, In your Speculation of Wednesday last, you have given us some Account of that worthy Society of Brutes the Mohocks; wherein you have particularly specify’d the ingenious Performance of the Lion-Tippers, the Dancing-Masters, and the Tumblers: But as you acknowledge […]

No. 326Friday, March 14, 1712. Steele. Inclusam Danaen turris ahenea Robustaeque fores, et vigilum canum Tristes exubiae, munierant satis Nocturnis ab adulteris; Si non– Hor. Mr. SPECTATOR, Your Correspondents Letter relating to Fortune-Hunters, and your subsequent Discourse upon it, have given me Encouragement to send you a State of my Case, by which you will […]

No. 322Monday, March 10, 1712. Steele. Ad humum maerore gravi deducit et angit. Hor. It is often said, after a Man has heard a Story with extraordinary Circumstances, It is a very good one if it be true: But as for the following Relation, I should be glad were I sure it were false. It […]

No. 324Wednesday, March 12, 1712. Steele. [O curvae in terris animae, et coelestium inanes. Pers [1].] Mr. SPECTATOR, The Materials you have collected together towards a general History of Clubs, make so bright a Part of your Speculations, that I think it is but a Justice we all owe the learned World to furnish you […]

No. 320Friday, March 7, 1712. Steele. [–non pronuba Juno,Non Hymenaeus adest, non illi Gratia lecto,Eumenides stravere torum. Ovid. [1]] Mr. SPECTATOR, You have given many Hints in your Papers to the Disadvantage of Persons of your own Sex, who lay Plots upon Women. Among other hard Words you have published the Term Male-Coquets, and been […]

No. 328 [1]Monday, March 17, 1712. Steele. Delectata illa urbanitate tam stulta. Petron. Arb. That useful Part of Learning which consists in Emendation, Knowledge of different Readings, and the like, is what in all Ages Persons extremely wise and learned have had in great Veneration. For this reason I cannot but rejoyce at the following […]

No. 318. Wednesday, March 5, 1712. Steele. [–non omnia possumus omnes. Virg. [1]] Mr. SPECTATOR, A certain Vice which you have lately attacked, has not yet been considered by you as growing so deep in the Heart of Man, that the Affectation outlives the Practice of it. You must have observed that Men who have […]

No. 314.Friday, February 29, 1712. Steele. Tandem desine Matrem Tempestiva sequi viro. Hor. Od. 23. Feb. 7, 1711-12. Mr. SPECTATOR, I am a young Man about eighteen Years of Age, and have been in Love with a young Woman of the same Age about this half Year. I go to see her six Days in […]

In my first description of the company in which I pass most of my time, it may be remembered that I mentioned a great affliction which my friend Sir Roger had met with in his youth; which was no less than a disappointment in love. It happened this evening that we fell into a very […]

Having notified to my good friend Sir Roger that I should set out for London the next day, his horses were ready at the appointed hour in the evening; and attended by one of his grooms, I arrived at the country town at twilight, in order to be ready for the stage-coach the day following. […]

I was this morning walking in the gallery when Sir Roger entered at the end opposite to me, and advancing towards me, said he was glad to meet me among his relations the De Coverleys, and hoped I liked the conversation of so much good company, who were as silent as myself. I knew he […]