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84 Works of Richard King

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Love Of God

Story type: Essay

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Yet, it seems to me sometimes that even our ideal of God changes with the fleeting years. When we were young, and because He was thus presented to us by our spiritual pastors and masters, we figured Him as some tragically revengeful elderly gentleman, who appeared to show His love for us by always being […]

So many people imagine that their love is returned, that their innermost thoughts are appreciated and understood, when lips meet lips in that kiss which brings oblivion–that kiss which even the lowliest man and woman receive once in their lives as a benediction from Heaven. So many people imagine that they have found the Ideal […]

My one great grievance against people in the mass is that they are so very seldom real. I don’t mean to say, of course, that you can walk through them like ghosts, or that, if they “gave you one straight from the shoulder,” you wouldn’t get a black eye. But what I mean is, that […]


Story type: Literature

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Christmas comes but once a year–and the cynic cries, “Thank God!” And so, perhaps, do the very lonely. But then Christmas is not a festival for either the cynic or the desolate. The cynic is as welcome at the annual feast of turkey and plum pudding as Mr. “Pussyfoot” would be at a “beano”; while […]