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401 Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar

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Ere sleep comes down to soothe the weary eyes, Which all the day with ceaseless care have sought The magic gold which from the seeker flies; Ere dreams put on the gown and cap of thought, And make the waking world a world of lies,– Of lies most palpable, uncouth, forlorn, That say life’s full […]

One Christmas at Shiloh

Story type: Literature

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Martha Maria Mixon was a “widder lady.” So she described herself whenever anyone asked her as to her status in life. To her more intimate friends she confided that she was not a “weed widder,” but one of the “grass” variety. The story of how her husband, Madison, had never been “No ‘count, even befo’ […]

It took something just short of a revolution to wake up the sleepy little town of Miltonville. Through the slow, hot days it drowsed along like a lazy dog, only half rousing now and then to snap at some flying rumour, and relapsing at once into its pristine somnolence. It was not a dreamless sleep, […]

A Matter of Doctrine

Story type: Literature

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There was great excitement in Miltonville over the advent of a most eloquent and convincing minister from the North. The beauty about the Rev. Thaddeus Warwick was that he was purely and simply a man of the doctrine. He had no emotions, his sermons were never matters of feeling; but he insisted so strongly upon […]

Old Abe’s Conversion

Story type: Literature

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The Negro population of the little Southern town of Danvers was in a state of excitement such as it seldom reached except at revivals, baptisms, or on Emancipation Day. The cause of the commotion was the anticipated return of the Rev. Abram Dixon’s only son, Robert, who, having taken up his father’s life-work and graduated […]

In Summer Time

Story type: Poetry

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When summer time has come, and all The world is in the magic thrall Of perfumed airs that lull each sense To fits of drowsy indolence; When skies are deepest blue above, And flow’rs aflush,–then most I love To start, while early dews are damp, And wend my way in woodland tramp Where forests rustle, […]

The sun hath shed its kindly light, Our harvesting is gladly o’er Our fields have felt no killing blight, Our bins are filled with goodly store. From pestilence, fire, flood, and sword We have been spared by thy decree, And now with humble hearts, O Lord, We come to pay our thanks to thee. We […]

Nutting Song

Story type: Poetry

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The November sun invites me, And although the chill wind smites me, I will wander to the woodland Where the laden trees await; And with loud and joyful singing I will set the forest ringing, As if I were king of Autumn, And Dame Nature were my mate,– While the squirrel in his gambols Fearless […]

Love’s Pictures

Story type: Poetry

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Like the blush upon the rose When the wooing south wind speaks, Kissing soft its petals, Are thy cheeks. Tender, soft, beseeching, true, Like the stars that deck the skies Through the ether sparkling, Are thine eyes. Like the song of happy birds, When the woods with spring rejoice, In their blithe awak’ning, Is thy […]

The Old Homestead

Story type: Poetry

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‘Tis an old deserted homestead On the outskirts of the town, Where the roof is all moss-covered, And the walls are tumbling down; But around that little cottage Do my brightest mem’ries cling, For ’twas there I spent the moments Of my youth,–life’s happy spring. I remember how I used to Swing upon the old […]

Thou arrant robber, Death! Couldst thou not find Some lesser one than he To rob of breath,– Some poorer mind Thy prey to be? His mind was like the sky,– As pure and free; His heart was broad and open As the sea. His soul shone purely through his face, And Love made him her […]

A Career

Story type: Poetry

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“Break me my bounds, and let me fly To regions vast of boundless sky; Nor I, like piteous Daphne, be Root-bound. Ah, no! I would be free As yon same bird that in its flight Outstrips the range of mortal sight; Free as the mountain streams that gush From bubbling springs, and downward rush Across […]

An Old Memory

Story type: Poetry

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How sweet the music sounded That summer long ago, When you were by my side, love, To list its gentle flow. I saw your eyes a-shining, I felt your rippling hair, I kissed your pearly cheek, love, And had no thought of care. And gay or sad the music, With subtle charm replete; I found […]

On The River

Story type: Poetry

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The sun is low, The waters flow, My boat is dancing to and fro. The eve is still, Yet from the hill The killdeer echoes loud and shrill. The paddles plash, The wavelets dash, We see the summer lightning flash; While now and then, In marsh and fen Too muddy for the feet of men, […]

Worn Out

Story type: Poetry

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You bid me hold my peace And dry my fruitless tears, Forgetting that I bear A pain beyond my years. You say that I should smile And drive the gloom away; I would, but sun and smiles Have left my life’s dark day. All time seems cold and void, And naught but tears remain; Life’s […]

A Song Poor withered rose, she gave it me, Half in revenge and half in glee; Its petals not so pink by half As are her lips when curled to laugh, As are her cheeks when dimples gay In merry mischief o’er them play. Chorus Forgive, forgive, it seems unkind To cast thy petals to […]

(From a Westerner’s Point of View.) No matter what you call it, Whether genius, or art, He sings the simple songs that come The closest to your heart. Fur trim an’ skillful phrases, I do not keer a jot; ‘Tain’t the words alone, but feelin’s, That tech the tender spot. An’ that’s jest why I […]

A Starry Night

Story type: Poetry

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A cloud fell down from the heavens, And broke on the mountain’s brow; It scattered the dusky fragments All over the vale below. The moon and the stars were anxious To know what its fate might be; So they rushed to the azure op’ning, And all peered down to see.

A Madrigal

Story type: Poetry

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Dream days of fond delight and hours As rosy-hued as dawn, are mine. Love’s drowsy wine, Brewed from the heart of Passion flowers, Flows softly o’er my lips And save thee, all the world is in eclipse. There were no light if thou wert not; The sun would be too sad to shine, And all […]

How shall I woo thee to win thee, mine own? Say in what tongue shall I tell of my love. I who was fearless so timid have grown, All that was eagle has turned into dove. The path from the meadow that leads to the bars Is more to me now than the path of […]