28 Works of Maud Lindsay
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The shepherd was sick and the shepherd’s wife looked out from her door with anxious eyes. “Who will carry the sheep to the pasture lands today?” she said to her little boy Jean. “I will,” cried Jean, “I will. Mother, let me.” Jean and his father and mother lived long ago in a sunny land […]
Long, long ago, when there were giants to be seen, as they might be seen now if we only looked in the right place, there lived a young giant who was very strong and very willing, but who found it hard to get work to do. The name of the giant was Energy, and he […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Let the child feel Christ is near him;By your faith will grow his own;Death nor danger will affright himIf he never feels alone. Little Carl and his mother came from their home in the country one sweet summer day, because it was the king’s birthday, and all the city was to […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Keep thou an open door betweenthy child’s life and thine own. There was once a little girl (her best and sweetest name was Little Daughter), who had a dear little room, all her own, which was full of treasures, and was as lovely as love could make it. You never could […]
Motto for the Mother Well for the child, well for the man, to whomthroughout life the voice of conscience is the prophecyand pledge of an abiding union with God! FROEBEL. There was once a mother, who had two little daughters; and, as her husband was dead and she was very poor, she worked diligently all […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER The child must listen well if he would hear. –Blow’s Commentaries. Once, long, long ago, there lived in a country over the sea a king called Rene, who married a lovely princess whose name was Imogen. Imogen came across the seas to the king’s beautiful country, and all his people welcomed […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Oh! like a wreath, let Christmas mirthTo-day encircle all the earth,And bind the nations with the loveThat Jesus brought from heaven above. It was almost Christmas time when one of the white ships that sail across the sea brought a little German girl named Gretchen, with her father and mother, to […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Teach your child that every oneLoves him when he’s good and true,But that though so dear to others,He is doubly dear to you. –Miss Blow’s Mottoes and Commentaries. Long, long ago there lived, in a kingdom far away, five knights who wereso good and so wise that each one was known […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER The priceless blessing of a happy home can bewon only by struggle, endurance, and self-sacrifice. FROEBEL. Blow’s Commentaries. Once there was a very dear family,–Father, Mother, big Brother Tom, little Sister Polly, and the baby, who had a very long name, Gustavus Adolphus; and every one of the family wanted a […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Love is a bridge that links us heart to heartMother and child can never live apart Once upon a time there was a little boy who had a long journey to go. He had a very dear mother, and she did not want her little son to leave her; but she […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Early teach your child, through play, to guardthat which is dear to him from the danger of loss. FROEBEL. One bright summer afternoon, Fleet, the good old shepherd dog that helped to take care of the farmyard, decided that he would step into the barn to see his friend Mrs. Muffet […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Wisdom comes with all we see,God writes His lessons in each flower,And ev’ry singing bird or beeCan teach us something of His power. PART I. Grandmother’s garden was a beautiful place,–more beautiful than all the shop windows in the city; for there was a flower or grass for every color in […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER “All mother love attracts the child,Its world-wide tenderness he feels.And ev’ry beast that loves her young,His mother’s love to him reveals.” Mrs. Tabby Gray, with her three little kittens, lived out in the barn where the hay was stored. One of the kittens was white, one was black, and one gray, […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Make the home-coming sweet!The gladness of going,The pleasure of knowingWill not be completeUnless, at the ending,The home-coming’s sweet. Make the home-coming sweet!No fear of the straying,Or dread of the stayingOf dear little feet,If always you’re makingThe home-coming sweet. Mother and Father Pigeon lived with their two young pigeons in their home, […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER We can never dwell in shadowsIf our souls are full of light.Let the brightness of our beingMake the whole wide world as bright“Jesus bids us shine for all around.Many kinds of darkness in this world are found.There’s sin and want and sorrow, so we must shine,You in your small corner, I […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER The humblest workman has his place,Which no one else can fill. There was once a man who owned a little gray pony. Every morning when the dewdrops were still hanging on the pink clover in the meadows, and the birds were singing their morning song, the man would jump on his […]
THE LIONS IN THE WAY[7] Once upon a time three friends set out to go to the palace of the king, which was known as the House Beautiful. [Footnote 7: Founded upon the incident of the Lions in the Way in Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress.”] The king himself had invited them there, and that they might […]
MOTTO FOR THE MOTHER Power invisible that God reveals,The child within all nature feels,Like the great wind that unseen goes,Yet helps the world’s work as it blows. One morning Jan waked up very early, and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was his great kite in the corner. His big brother […]
THE KING’S SERVANT[4] There was once upon a time a faithful servant whose name was Hans. He served the king his master so long and so well that one day the king said to him: “Speak, Hans, and tell me what three things do you most desire that I may give them to you as […]
One day when all the world was gay with spring a king stood at a window of his palace and looked far out over his kingdom. And because his land was fair to see, and he was a young king, and his heart was happy, he made a song for himself and sang it loud […]