61 Works of Joel Chandler Harris
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“ONE time,” said Uncle Remus, sighing heavily and settling himself back in his seat with an air of melancholy resignation– “one time Brer Rabbit wuz gwine ‘long down de road shakin’ his big bushy tail, en feelin’ des ez scrumpshus ez a bee-martin wid a fresh bug.” Here the old man paused and glanced at […]
“BRER TARRYPIN wuz de out’nes’ man,” said Uncle Remus, rubbing his hands together contemplatively, and chuckling to himself in a very significant manner; “he wuz de out’nes’ man er de whole gang. He wuz dat.” The little boy sat perfectly quiet, betraying no impatience when Uncle Remus paused to hunt, first in one pocket and […]
“HIT look like ter me,” said Uncle Remus, frowning, as the little boy came hopping and skipping into the old man’s cabin, “dat I see a young un ’bout yo’ size playin’ en makin’ free wid dem ar chilluns er ole Miss Favers’s yistiddy, en w’en I seed dat, I drap my axe, en I […]
UNCLE REMUS was half-soling one of his shoes, and his Miss Sally’s little boy had been handling his awls, his hammers, and his knives to such an extent that the old man was compelled to assume a threatening attitude; but peace reigned again, and the little boy perched himself on a chair, watching Uncle Remus […]
WHEN the little boy ran in to see Uncle Remus the night after he had told him of the awful fate of Brer Wolf, the only response to his greeting was: “I-doom-er-ker-kum-mer-ker!” No explanation could convey an adequate idea of the intonation and pronunciation which Uncle Remus brought to bear upon this wonderful word. Those […]
“ATTER Brer Fox hear ’bout how Brer Rabbit done Brer Wolf,” said Uncle Remus, scratching his head with the point of his awl, ‘he ‘low, he did, dat he better not be so brash, en he sorter let Brer Rabbit ‘lone. Dey wuz all time seein’ one nudder, en ‘bunnunce er times Brer Fox could […]
“BRER RABBIT en Brer Fox wuz like some chilluns w’at I knows un,” said Uncle Remus, regarding the little boy, who had come to hear another story, with an affectation of great solemnity. “Bofe un um wuz allers atter wunner nudder, a prankin’ en a pesterin’ ‘roun’, but Brer Rabbit did had some peace, kaze […]
‘”DE animils en de creeturs,” said Uncle Remus, shaking his coffee around in the bottom of his tin-cup, in order to gather up all the sugar, ‘dey kep’ on gittin’ mo’ en mo’ familious wid wunner nudder, twel bimeby, ‘twan’t long ‘fo’ Brer Rabbit, en Brer Fox, en Brer Possum got ter sorter bunchin’ der […]
“HIT look like ter me dat I let on de udder night dat in dem days w’en de creeturs wuz santer’n ‘roun’ same like fokes, none un um wuz brash nuff fer ter ketch up wid Brer Rabbit,” remarked Uncle Remus, reflectively. “Yes,” replied the little boy, “that’s what you said.” “Well, den,” continued the […]
“You’ll tromple on dat bark twel hit won’t be fitten fer ter fling ‘way, let ‘lone make hoss-collars out’n,” said Uncle Remus, as the little boy came running into his cabin out of the rain. All over the floor long strips of “wahoo” bark were spread, and these the old man was weaving into horse-collars. […]
“ONE night,” said Uncle Remus–taking Miss Sally’s little boy on his knee, and stroking the child’s hair thoughtfully and caressingly–“one night Brer Possum call by fer Brer Coon, ‘cordin’ ter ‘greement, en atter gobblin’ up a dish er fried greens en smokin’ a seegyar, dey rambled fort’ fer ter see how de ballance er de […]
“ONE time,” said Uncle Remus–adjusting his spectacles so as to be able to see how to thread a large darning-needle with which he was patching his coat–“one time, way back yander, ‘fo’ you wuz bomed, honey, en ‘fo’ Mars John er Miss Sally wuz bomed–way back yander ‘fo’ enny un us wuz bomed, de animils […]
ONE evening when the little boy, whose nights with Uncle Remus were as entertaining as those Arabian ones of blessed memory, had finished supper and hurried out to sit with his venerable patron, he found the old man in great glee. Indeed, Uncle Remus was talking and laughing to himself at such a rate that […]
WHEN “Miss Sally’s” little boy went to Uncle Remus the next night to hear the conclusion of the adventure in which the Rabbit made a riding-horse of the Fox to the great enjoyment and gratification of Miss Meadows and the girls, he found the old man in a bad humor. “I ain’t tellin’ no tales […]
“EF I don’t run inter no mistakes,” remarked Uncle Remus, as the little boy came tripping in to see him after supper, “Mr. Tukkey Buzzard wuz gyardin’ de holler whar Brer Rabbit went in at, en w’ich he come out un.” The silence of the little boy verified the old man’s recollection. “Well, Mr. Buzzard, […]
“UNCLE REMUS,” said the little boy, “what became of the Rabbit after he fooled the Buzzard, and got out of the hollow tree?” “Who? Brer Rabbit? Bless yo’ soul, honey, Brer Rabbit went skippin’ long home, he did, des ez sassy ez a jay-bird at a sparrer’s nes’. He went gallopin’ ‘long, he did, but […]
“MISS SALLY’S” little boy again occupying the anxious position of auditor, Uncle Remus took the shovel and “put de noses er de chunks tergedder,” as he expressed it, and then began: “One day, atter Sis Cow done run pas’ ‘er own shadder tryin’ fer ter ketch ‘im. Brer Rabbit tuck’n ‘low dat he wuz gwineter […]
“I LAY yo’ ma got comp’ny,” said Uncle Remus, as the little boy entered the old man’s door with a huge piece of mince-pie in his hand, ‘en ef she ain’t got comp’ny, den she done gone en drap de cubberd key som’ers whar you done run up wid it.” “Well, I saw the pie […]
One evening recently, the lady whom Uncle Remus calls “Miss Sally” missed her little seven-year-old. Making search for him through the house and through the yard, she heard the sound of voices in the old man’s cabin, and, looking through the window, saw the child sitting by Uncle Remus. His head rested against the old […]
“Didn’t the fox never catch the rabbit, Uncle Remus?” asked the little boy the next evening. “He come mighty nigh it, honey, sho’s you born–Brer Fox did. One day atter Brer Rabbit fool ‘im wid dat calamus root, Brer Fox went ter wuk en got ‘im some tar, en mix it wid some turkentime, en […]