26 Works of Frances Ridley Havergal
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I. A NIGHT of danger on the sea,Of sleeplessness and fear!Wave after wave comes thunderingAgainst the strong stone pier;Each with a terrible recoil,And a grim and gathering might,As blast on blast comes howling past,Each wild gust wilder than the last,All through that awful night. II. Well for the ships in the harbour now,Which came with […]
YES, take the greenery awayThat smiled to welcome Christmas Day,Untwine the drooping ivy spray. The holly leaves are dusty all,Whose glossy darkness robed the wall,And one by one the berries fall. Take down the yew, for with a touchThe leaflets drop, as -wearied muchWith light and song, unused to such. Poor evergreens! Why proudly claimThe […]
‘The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.’—Ps. xxv. 14 I. JUST to let thy Father doWhat He will;Just to know that He is true,And be still.Just to follow hour by hourAs He leadeth;Just to draw the moment’s powerAs it needeth.Just to trust Him, this is all!Then the day will surely bePeaceful, […]
‘Know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for Himself.’—Ps. iv. 3. I. SET apart for Jesus!Is not this enough,Though the desert prospectOpen wild and rough?Set apart for His delight,Chosen for His holy pleasure,Sealed to be His special treasure!Could we choose a nobler joy?–and would we if we might? II. Set apart […]
‘Here we offer and present unto Thee, O Lord, ourselves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto Thee.’ TAKE my life, and let it beConsecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days;Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands, and let them moveAt the impulse of […]
ANOTHER little volume filled with varied verse and song,Should wake another note of praise, unheard, but deep and strong;For He who knows my truest need, and leads me day by day,Has given the music that hath been such solace on my way. I look up to my Father, and know that I am heard,And ask […]
‘From glory to glory.’–2 COR. iii. 18. ‘FROM glory unto glory!’ Be this our joyous song,As on the King’s own highway we bravely march along!‘From glory unto glory!’ O word of stirring cheer,As dawns the solemn brightness of another glad New Year. Our own beloved Master ‘hath many things to say;’Look forward to His teaching, […]
‘YET speaketh!’ though the voice is hushed that filledCathedral nave or choir, like clearest bell,With music of God’s truth,–that softly thrilledThe silence of the mourner’s heart,–that fellSo sweetly, oh, so sweetly, on the earOf those to whom that voice was dearest of the dear. ‘Yet speaketh!’ For the echo lingers yetWhere fifty years ago his […]
At evening time it shall be light’ –ZECH. xiv. 7. DEAR Lord, Thy good and precious Book seems written all for me;Wherever I may open it, I find a word from Thee.My eyes are dim, but this one verse is pillow for the night,Thy promise that ‘At Evening Time it shall be’ surely ‘light.’ It […]
‘He faileth not.’—ZEPH. iii. 5. I. HE who hath led will leadAll through the wilderness;He who hath fed will feed;He who hath blessed will bless;He who hath heard thy cry,Will never close His ear;He who hath marked thy faintest sigh,Will not forget thy tear.He loveth always, faileth never;So rest on Him, to-day, for ever! II. […]
A fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness. . . . Wounded in the house of My friends.’ —ZECH. xiii. i, 6. AND I have wounded Thee–oh, wounded Thee!–Wounded the dear, dear Hand that holds me fast!Oh, to recall the word! That cannot be!Oh, to unthink the thought that out of reach hath passed! II. […]
‘He hath given us rest by His sorrow, and life by His death.”—JOHN BUNYAN. I. WHAT hast Thou done for me, O mighty Friend,Who lovest to the end!Reveal Thyself, that I may now beholdThy love unknown, untold,Bearing the curse, and made a curse for me,That blessed and made a blessing I might be. II. Oh, […]
I. TRUE-HEARTED, whole-hearted, faithful and loyal,King of our lives, by Thy grace we will beUnder Thy standard, exalted and royal,Strong in Thy strength, we will battle for Thee! II. True-hearted, whole-hearted! Fullest allegianceYielding henceforth to our glorious King;Valiant endeavour and loving obedienceFreely and joyously now would we bring. III. True-hearted! Saviour, Thou knowest our story;Weak […]
‘Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse.’—I CHRON. xii. 18. WHO is on the Lord’s side?Who will serve the King?Who will be His helpers,Other lives to bring?Who will leave the world’s side?Who will face the foe?Who is on the Lord’s side?Who for Him will go?Response. By Thy call of mercy, […]
‘This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing.’ —ISA. xxviii. 12. I. RESTING on the faithfulness of Christ our Lord,Resting on the fulness of His own sure word;Resting on His power, on His love untold;Resting on His covenant secured of old. II. Resting ‘neath His guiding […]
I. UNTO him that hath, Thou givestEver ‘more abundantly.’Lord, I live because Thou livest,Therefore give more life to me;Therefore speed me in the race;Therefore let me grow in grace. II. Deepen all Thy work, O Master,Strengthen every downward root,Only do Thou ripen faster,More and more, Thy pleasant fruit.Purge me, prune me, self abase,Only let me […]
I. ARE you shining for Jesus, dear one?You have given your heart to Him;But is the light strong within it,Or is it but pale and dim?Can everybody see it,–That Jesus is all to you?That your love to Him is burningWith radiance warm and true?Is the seal upon your forehead,So that it must be knownThat you […]
I. LOOKING unto Jesus!Battle-shout of faith,Shield o’er all the armour,Free from scar or scathe.Standard of salvation,In our hearts unfurled,Let its elevationOvercome the world! II. Look away to Jesus,Look away from all;Then we need not stumble,Then we shall not fallFrom each snare that lureth,Foe or phantom grim,Safety this ensureth:Look away to Him. III. Looking into Jesus,Wonderingly […]
I. I AM trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,Trusting only Thee;Trusting Thee for full salvation,Great and free. II. I am trusting Thee for pardon;At Thy feet I bow,For Thy grace and tender mercy,Trusting now. III. I am trusting Thee for cleansingIn the crimson flood;Trusting Thee to make me holyBy Thy blood. IV. I am trusting Thee to […]
I KNOW the crimson stain of sin,Defiling all without, within;But now rejoicingly I knowThat He has washed me white as snow.I praise Him for the cleansing tide,Because I know that Jesus died. II. I know the helpless, hopeless plaint,‘The whole head sick, the whole heart faint;’But now I trust His touch of grace,That meets so […]