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118 Works of Edward Eggleston

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Among The Alligators

Story type: Literature

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Before the Revolution there lived in Pennsylvania a man named William Bartram. He was a botanist; that is to say, a man who knew a great deal about different kinds of plants. Wishing to see the plants and animals of the South, he traveled through South Carolina and Georgia, and so on into Florida. In […]


Story type: Literature

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“Marion’s Men” were famous in the Revolution for their bold adventures. The best known of all these bold men was Sergeant Jasper. At the battle of Fort Moultrie, when the flag of the fort was shot away, Jasper jumped down outside of the works, and picked it up. The balls were raining round him all […]

The Rattlesnake God

Story type: Literature

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Mr. Henry had traveled several days with the Indians going to Fort Niagara to make peace. One day the wind was blowing so hard that they could not go on. So they camped on a point in Lake Huron. While the Indians were building a hut, Mr. Henry was lighting a fire. He went off […]

Witchcraft In Louisiana

Story type: Literature

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The Indian medicine men or priests have many ways of deceiving their people. A French officer found that the people of a certain tribe believed very much in an idol which a medicine man had set up. This idol was called by a long name, Vistee-poolee-keek-apook. The Indians, when they stood near, would sometimes hear […]

A Story Of Niagara

Story type: Literature

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Many years ago, the falls of Niagara, then in the midst of a great wilderness, and a long way from the homes of the white people, seemed even more wonderful than they do now. In those days, travelers from other countries made long journeys through the woods to see this wonderful waterfall. Indians lived about […]

Grandmother Bear

Story type: Literature

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Mr. Alexander Henry was made prisoner by the Indians on Lake Superior when Fort Mackinaw was taken by Indians. This was in the time of the Indian war which is called Pontiac’s War, because the great chief Pontiac started it. Nearly all the white men in Fort Mackinaw were killed, but Mr. Henry was saved. […]

The Great Turtle

Story type: Literature

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Among the Indians there are priests or medicine men who pretend to cure diseases. They also pretend to talk to their gods and other spirits. They have many ways of deceiving the Indians. Mr. Alexander Henry, while a prisoner among the Indians, was present when the tribe he was with asked advice of the Great […]

A Strange Escape

Story type: Literature

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In 1658 there was a little French colony at Onondaga in New York. Some of the men in this colony were traders, and some were missionaries. They were living among the Onondaga Indians. The Indians had been very friendly, but the French found out that a plot had been formed to put them all to […]

A School Of Long Ago

Story type: Literature

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A hundred and fifty years ago there was a famous teacher among the German settlers in Pennsylvania who was known as “The Good Schoolmaster.” His name was Christopher Dock. He had two little country schools. For three days he would teach at a little place called Skippack, and then for the next three days he […]

Stories Of Whaling

Story type: Literature

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In the old days, before petroleum or kerosene had been found in this country, people had many ways of lighting their houses. A cheap light was made by putting a little grease or oil in a saucer in which was a little wick or rag lying over the edge of the saucer or drawn up […]

A Whaling Song

Story type: Poetry

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PART OF A FAVORITE SONG SUNG BY WHALEMEN IN OLD TIMES. When spring returns with western gales, And gentle breezes sweep The ruffling seas, we spread our sails To plow the watery deep. Cape Cod, our dearest native land, We leave astern, and lose Its sinking cliffs and less’ning sands, While Zephyr gently blows. Now […]

Our country now reaches from one ocean to the other. But in the days before the Revolution there were only English colonies stretching up and down the Atlantic coast. Merchandise was carried from one colony to another, and from one country to another, in slow-going sailing vessels, for there were neither railroads nor steamships. In […]

There was a schoolmaster in Philadelphia before the Revolution who did not like to beat his pupils as other masters of that time did. When a boy behaved badly, he would take his switch and stick it into the back of the boy’s coat collar so that the switch should rise above his head in […]

What is now the State of New York was first settled by people from Holland who spoke the Dutch language. New York afterward became an English colony, but the Dutch settlers and their descendants still spoke the language of Holland, at the time of the American Revolution. In Flatbush, which is now a part of […]

When white people first came to this country, they had much trouble with the Indians. After a while, when they had learned to defend themselves and got used to danger, they did not mind it much. Even the women became as brave as soldiers. In very early times there were some families of people from […]

When the first settlers came to this country, tea and coffee were unknown to them. The favorite drink of that time was a kind of weak beer, which was usually made at home. The first settlers in America could not buy drinks such as they had had in England, and in a new country they […]

Kidnapped Boys

Story type: Literature

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In the days when our country belonged to England, white people were brought here to be sold. Some of these were poor people who could not get a good living in England. They came over to this country without any money. The captain of the ship in which they came sold them in this country […]

When the white people first came to America, they had never seen Indian corn, which did not grow in Europe. The Indians raised it in little patches about their villages. Before planting their corn, they had to clear away the trees that covered the whole country. Their axes were made of stone, and were not […]

Having eaten his breakfast of beech-nuts, a bobolink thought he would show himself neighborly; so he hopped over to an old gloomy oak tree, where there sat a hooting owl, and after bowing his head gracefully, and waving his tail in the most friendly manner, he began chirruping cheerily, somewhat in this fashion: “Good-morning, Mr. […]

Among the people that came to Virginia in 1609, two years after the colony was planted, was a boy named Henry Spelman. He was the son of a well-known man. He had been a bad and troublesome boy in England, and his family sent him to Virginia, thinking that he might be better in the […]