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13 Works of A. E. W. Mason

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The Fifth Picture

Story type: Literature

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Lady Tamworth felt unutterably bored. The sensation of lassitude, even in its less acute degrees, was rare with her; for she possessed a nature of so fresh a buoyancy that she was able, as a rule, to extract diversion from any environment. Her mind took impressions with the vivid clearness of a mirror, and also, […]

A Liberal Education

Story type: Literature

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“So you couldn’t wait!” Mrs. Branscome turned full on the speaker as she answered deliberately: “You have evidently not been long in London, Mr. Hilton, or you would not ask that question.” “I arrived yesterday evening.” “Quite so. Then will you forgive me one tiny word of advice? You will learn the truth of it […]

The Twenty-Kroner

Story type: Literature

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The surgeon has a weakness for men who make their living on the sea. From the skipper of a Dogger Bank fishing-smack to the stoker of a Cardiff tramp, from Margate ‘longshoreman to a crabber of the Stilly Isles, he embraces them all in a lusty affection. And this not merely out of his own […]

The Princess Joceliande

Story type: Literature

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The truth concerning the downfall of the Princess Joceliande has never as yet been honestly inscribed. Doubtless there be few alive except myself that know it; for from the beginning many strange and insidious rumours were set about to account for her mishap, whereby great damage was done to the memory of the Sieur Rudel […]

The Shuttered House

Story type: Literature

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If ever a man’s pleasures jumped with his duties mine did in the year 1744, when, as a clerk in the service of the Royal African Company of Adventurers, I was despatched to the remote islands of Scilly in search of certain information which, it was believed, Mr. Robert Lovyes alone could impart. For even […]

The cruise happened before the steam-trawler ousted the smack from the North Sea. A few newspapers recorded it in half-a-dozen lines of small print which nobody read. But it became and–though nowadays the Willing Mind rots from month to month by the quay–remains staple talk at Gorleston ale-houses on winter nights. The crew consisted of […]

Keeper Of The Bishop

Story type: Literature

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For a fortnight out of every six weeks the little white faced man walked the garrison on St. Mary’s Island in a broadcloth frock-coat, a low waistcoat and a black riband of a tie fastened in a bow; and it gave him great pleasure to be mistaken for a commercial traveller. But during the other […]

Norris wanted a holiday. He stood in the marketplace looking southwards to the chimney-stacks, and dilating upon the subject to three of his friends. He was sick of the Stock Exchange, the men, the women, the drinks, the dances–everything. He was as indifferent to the price of shares as to the rise and fall of […]


Story type: Literature

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The story was told to us by James Walker in the cabin of a seven-ton cutter one night when we lay anchored in Helford river. It was towards the end of September; during this last week the air had grown chilly with the dusk, and the sea when it lost the sun took on a […]

It was in the kitchen of the inn at Framlingham that Mr. Mitchelbourne came across the man who was afraid, and during the Christmas week of the year 1681. Lewis Mitchelbourne was young in those days, and esteemed as a gentleman of refinement and sensibility, with a queer taste for escapades, pardonable by reason of […]

The Crossed Gloves

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“Although you have not been near Ronda for five years,” said the Spanish Commandant severely to Dennis Shere, “the face of the country has not changed. You are certainly the most suitable officer I can select, since I am told you are well acquainted with the neighbourhood. You will ride therefore to-day to Olvera and […]

Ensign Knightley

Story type: Literature

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It was eleven o’clock at night when Surgeon Wyley of His Majesty’s ship Bonetta washed his hands, drew on his coat, and walked from the hospital up the narrow cobbled street of Tangier to the Main-Guard by the Catherine Port. In the upper room of the Main-Guard he found Major Shackleton of the Tangier Foot […]

The Man Of Wheels

Story type: Literature

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When Sir Charles Fosbrook was told by Mr. Pepys that Tangier had been surrendered to the Moors, he asked at once after the fate of his gigantic mole; and when he was informed that his mole had been, before the evacuation, so utterly blown to pieces that its scattered blocks made the harbour impossible for […]